VANS low x LV classic brown

VANS low x LV classic brown


We are not sponsored, affiliated or included in a cooperation with any of the brands we show on our website.

Please note that all shoes, designs and models on our site are eligible for change such as; shoe color, shoe model, placement of elements such as fabric or paint, color/tint of the paint or fabric and all that you could wish for. If any change is needed, please feel free to contact us through the form down below.

We use the European size model. Size 0-34 are kids sizes.

Regular price €129,95
incl VAT

We use original shoes for our customs, which means that no shoe is fake, worn, or sold by a (not reputable) third party. Every shoe is handmade with lots of love and care, but also the exact amount of precision and accuration. We insist that your order will remain neat for a long time. If your size is not among the options, it is not being produced by the brand of the shoe. The fabric of the brands we use is not real and we do not claim it to be.

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