Frequently Asked Questions
All shoes that include fabric have a producing time of 5-15 working days
All shoes that are painted or heat-installed have a producing time of 5-10 working days
Due to congestion delay may occur, so feel free to contact us about your order status.
Because all shoes are handmade on request, all orders are final and cannot be returned. So be assured of your size and design before placing an order.
We are happy to guide you with your special request. Fill in the contact form down below and you will receive an answer within 2 business days.
All the shoes have a 3 month free warranty and a 1 year carry-in warranty where we examine the shoes and make a decision about the settlement.
Note: Our warranty only implies to sections on the shoe that we have prepared or adjusted
Instantly available means we have direct stock of the shoe in the size u clicked on, and we can ship the shoe within 1-2 business days.

Contact us for any questions
Mailing address
JMD Customz
Meerenakkerplein 51
Eindhoven 5652BJ
The Netherlands
+31 612512913